Lifestyle, Personal

Ave Atque Vale 2020 (Hail and Farewell)

Everything has to come to an end, sometime.

L. Frank Baum

It seems that you can see the world burn and still get to the other side. That’s what happened this 2020: we started with a possible Third World War, and continued all the way to a COVID Pandemic, with many weird and unique events along the way, from an unusual blue moon to the alignment of planets. I’d say it’s a massive surprise that humans are still here on Earth right now! Oh, did I mention that a giant asteroid was supposed to hit earth too? It seems like the change of decade that so many of us were super excited for, marked our lives in ways we’ll never understand and never forget.

I can say I was fortunate enough not to have people I love get sick with COVID (touch wood), nor did I lose anyone close to me. However, I didn’t have it easy: both my job and my dad’s were affected, I’ve struggled with my mental health, I haven’t been able to see my fiancé for well over a year now, our plans to get the visa and get married in 2020 were postponed, all this and my cat (Snape) who’d been with me for the last 12 years and was the best cat I could have ever wished for passed away the same day Argentina entered one of the longest quarantines in the world. So, in a few words, there were a lot of shed tears and anguish.

On the other hand, 2020 also brought me some happy moments. For example, Indi (my fiancé) and I managed to get a house for us to live in and, despite me not being there, we have been getting it ready for when we are together at last. We are so excited about our first house (we are renting it for now) and we both love the idea of decorating it as we like. Also, at the beginning of the year, Indi got a Chihuahua named Ludo and he is such a mischief! We always wanted Snape to have a puppy friend, but we know he is enjoying him from above. Furthermore, I’ve come to realise who are the people that will be there for me even in the dark moments of a horrible pandemic and who are better off living their lives separately from mine. I found this painful but good. I want to enter 2021 knowing I am worth the effort and I deserve good things, as well as people who actually appreciate me; and if the effort in my relationships is not mutual, it will sadly be a goodbye.

Another hard, yet very good thing of 2020 was realizing that I am more capable than I thought! I will make a separate post about it, but I managed to successfully complete 31 courses and land a scholarship for a course given by one of the best Universities of Fashion in the world. It was a pinch-me moment for sure! On the note of realizing some things about me, 2020 has helped me see that it’s not my fault nor my problem that there are shitty people in the world that wish me harm and unhappiness. It’s their issue and I’ve been living and fighting to get the things I want and wish for despite the bad vibes; sometimes things don’t go the way I wanted to but I’ll keep trying. Isn’t that what all of us have been doing this 2020? Keep trying? So yeah, all in all, there have been some good things in this wacky year.

I’m grateful for my friends (old and new) and my family who have helped me through this quarantine and I am most grateful to my fiancé. All of them have made this year bearable and I love them to bits. Finally, if you are reading this, thank you for joining me on the journey of 2020. I’m grateful for those who read my blog because they are interested in my writing and give me their time to share my words. I wish you all a much better 2021; there will be struggles but we can hope that there’s a light at the end of all this darkness. After all, the world is about balance and we are overdue some happiness.

See you in 2021 and please “Vivere memento.”- Remember to live.



PS: F*** you, COVID. 

2 thoughts on “Ave Atque Vale 2020 (Hail and Farewell)

  1. Well this year may have been absolutely awful, and no one knows what’s going to happen next year, but as long as I have you, I am more than ok and I am excited for what the future will bring. Te amo and farewell 2020

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